NomadicMILK project in process: Esther, Mr. Idiris and Usman while showing Mr. Idiris his routes with the robot.
For the full project blog see nomadicmilk.net
NomadicMILK, monoprints, 7 sets of 12, oil on canvas, double screen video, 6 channel audio.
The NomadicMILK project tracks the daily routes of two milk-related economies in Nigeria, between January and December 2009. It follows the movements of Mr. Idiris, a cowherd, and his family during the dry season. It also follows the distribution of PEAK milk, one of the best-known brands of powdered and condensed milk in Nigeria. The routes are tracked by GPS, and drawings of each route are made on the ground, using a custom-developed GPS drawing robot. This way we can easily discuss the routes with the people involved. Finally, monoprints are made of every route or combination of routes.
Practical information
Distribution via LIMA Amsterdam
Interactive website (screenrecording)
Screencapured video of the original flash website by Bente van Bourgondien.
Excerpt showing Mr Idiris telling about his lost cow.
Presentation history
Grounding the Map | Mapping the Ground, Zone2Source, Amsterdam
You have two cows, Kalmar Museum of Art: Kalmar, Switzerland.
CCAEA, Nairobi, Kenya
Van Hall Larenstein/Wageningen University; Leeuwarden, NL
African Artist Foundation; Lagos, Nigeria
INIVA; “Who’s map is it?” Londen, UK
Electrosmog, De Balie; Amsterdam, NL
FoodPrint, Zaal 5, Filmhuis Den Haag, NL
Transmediale; Berlin, DE
Version bêta; Centre for Contemporary images; Genève, CH
NomadicMILK Update02; Zebrastraat; Gent , BE
UN/FAIR Trade; Neue Gallery Graz, AT

NomadicMILK Installation in Zone2Source, Amsterdam.

Installation at 2010 INIVA; “Who’s map is it?” Londen, UK:
NomadicMILK Installation in Zaal 5, The Hague.

– Navigating e-culture publication, Virtueel Platform:
Traversing the Route: from MediaMarkt to Cameroon. Esther Polak in conversation with Annet Dekker
– Neural, issue 33, summer, 2009: Esther Polak interview
– Een podlood dat over de aarde beweegt, Tracy Metz, NRC (newspaper) 06-03-2009 (Dutch)
– Deep North Transmediale catalog, 2009: Traversing the route : From Mediamarket to Cameroon. Annet Dekker in conversation with Esther Polak
– Mac Luhan neu lesen, Derrick de Kerckhoven, Martina Leeker, Kerstin Smit edit. Transcript Verlag, 2008;
Kunst und GPS. Esther Polaks lokative Kunst. By Arie Altena (German)
– International Biennial Digital Art UPDATE II Exhibition catalog. Curated by: Peter Weibel/Stef Van Bellingen/Isolde de Buck
– UN/FAIR TRADE, Die Kunst der Gerechtigkeit, NomadicMILK, Esther Polak, Exhibition catalog Neue Gallerie, Graz, 2007
NomadicMILK is an art project executed Esther Polak and team. The project is produced by the foundation Beelddiktee, in co-production with NIMk Amsterdam
Edwin Dertien is an independent robot developer.
Floris Maathuis works on the robot software development.
Dirk Kruyder Video Editor
Hans Veldkamp was the cameraman (photo and video) during our fieldwork trip in November-December, 2009
Ivar van Bekkum Production
Bing Ie Freelance Producer
Aske Hopman Production Website.
Bente Bourgondien Website Design
Don Mader English text corrections
Aliyu Momale guide and interpreter, fieldwork trip, January, 2009
Musa Manu Suleiman guide and interpreter, fieldwork trip, November, 2009
Tijmen Schep cameraman (photo and video), blogger and all-around helper during our fieldwork trip, January, 2009
Michiel de Lange is mobile technology PhD researcher.
Ab Drent is an independent ecological anthropologist. His collaboration took place in the research phase of the project and the Cameroon Fieldwork Trip.
Stichting Beelddiktee will do the production in collaboration with:
Pastoral Resolve (PARE) Kaduna, Nigeria: contacts with pastoralist communities
CEDC/CML Haman Unusa, Maroua, Cameroon/Leiden, NL: contacts with pastoralist communities
NIMk, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst Montevideo Time Based Arts -Artist in residence, Esther Polak, Spring, 2009
Mobilefest, Brazil: production, NomadicGrazing fieldwork in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
CO-OP’s provided the framework for Nomadic MILK phase 01.
CO-OP’s, ‘interteritoriale verkenningen in kunst en wetenschap’ is a project initiated by Rob Zwijnenberg at the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO).
funding and financial support
Mondriaan Foundation
NWO, Netherlands
Friesland Foods
Stichting kfHEIN
Royal Netherlands Embassy, Abuja, Nigeria.
The Netherlands Consulate General Sao Paolo.
Stichting Liedts-Meessen
advice and support:
Saleh Momale, (PARE and Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria)
Ignatio Granel, Abuja, Nigeria
Bisi Silva -curator, Lagos, Nigeria
Saddic Balewa – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Communicating for Change – Lagos, Nigeria
Gerbert van der Aa – journalist, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jaap van Ameele – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Diny Frauenknecht – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Theo Spierings – Friesland Foods, Meppel, Netherlands
Alexander van der Meer – Amsterdam, Netherlands
Daniel Plas – Abuja, Nigeria
NomadicMILK is an art project executed Esther Polak and team. The project is produced by the foundation Beelddiktee, in co-production with NIMk Amsterdam
Edwin Dertien is an independent robot developer.
Floris Maathuis works on the robot software development.
Dirk Kruyder Video Editor
Hans Veldkamp was the cameraman (photo and video) during our fieldwork trip in November-December, 2009
Ivar van Bekkum Production
Bing Ie Freelance Producer
Aske Hopman Production Website.
Bente Bourgondien Website Design
Don Mader English text corrections
Aliyu Momale guide and interpreter, fieldwork trip, January, 2009
Musa Manu Suleiman guide and interpreter, fieldwork trip, November, 2009
Tijmen Schep cameraman (photo and video), blogger and all-around helper during our fieldwork trip, January, 2009
Michiel de Lange is mobile technology PhD researcher.
Ab Drent is an independent ecological anthropologist. His collaboration took place in the research phase of the project and the Cameroon Fieldwork Trip.
Stichting Beelddiktee will do the production in collaboration with:
Pastoral Resolve (PARE) Kaduna, Nigeria: contacts with pastoralist communities
CEDC/CML Haman Unusa, Maroua, Cameroon/Leiden, NL: contacts with pastoralist communities
NIMk, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst Montevideo Time Based Arts -Artist in residence, Esther Polak, Spring, 2009
Mobilefest, Brazil: production, NomadicGrazing fieldwork in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
CO-OP’s provided the framework for Nomadic MILK phase 01.
CO-OP’s, ‘interteritoriale verkenningen in kunst en wetenschap’ is a project initiated by Rob Zwijnenberg at the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO).
funding and financial support
Mondriaan Foundation
NWO, Netherlands
Friesland Foods
Stichting kfHEIN
Royal Netherlands Embassy, Abuja, Nigeria.
The Netherlands Consulate General Sao Paolo.
Stichting Liedts-Meessen
advice and support:
Saleh Momale, (PARE and Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria)
Ignatio Granel, Abuja, Nigeria
Bisi Silva -curator, Lagos, Nigeria
Saddic Balewa – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Communicating for Change – Lagos, Nigeria
Gerbert van der Aa – journalist, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jaap van Ameele – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Diny Frauenknecht – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Theo Spierings – Friesland Foods, Meppel, Netherlands
Alexander van der Meer – Amsterdam, Netherlands
Daniel Plas – Abuja, Nigeria
NomadicMILK is an art project executed Esther Polak and team. The project is produced by the foundation Beelddiktee, in co-production with NIMk Amsterdam
Edwin Dertien is an independent robot developer.
Floris Maathuis works on the robot software development.
Dirk Kruyder Video Editor
Hans Veldkamp was the cameraman (photo and video) during our fieldwork trip in November-December, 2009
Ivar van Bekkum Production
Bing Ie Freelance Producer
Aske Hopman Production Website.
Bente Bourgondien Website Design
Don Mader English text corrections
Aliyu Momale guide and interpreter, fieldwork trip, January, 2009
Musa Manu Suleiman guide and interpreter, fieldwork trip, November, 2009
Tijmen Schep cameraman (photo and video), blogger and all-around helper during our fieldwork trip, January, 2009
Michiel de Lange is mobile technology PhD researcher.
Ab Drent is an independent ecological anthropologist. His collaboration took place in the research phase of the project and the Cameroon Fieldwork Trip.
Stichting Beelddiktee will do the production in collaboration with:
Pastoral Resolve (PARE) Kaduna, Nigeria: contacts with pastoralist communities
CEDC/CML Haman Unusa, Maroua, Cameroon/Leiden, NL: contacts with pastoralist communities
NIMk, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst Montevideo Time Based Arts -Artist in residence, Esther Polak, Spring, 2009
Mobilefest, Brazil: production, NomadicGrazing fieldwork in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
CO-OP’s provided the framework for Nomadic MILK phase 01.
CO-OP’s, ‘interteritoriale verkenningen in kunst en wetenschap’ is a project initiated by Rob Zwijnenberg at the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO).
funding and financial support
Mondriaan Foundation
NWO, Netherlands
Friesland Foods
Stichting kfHEIN
Royal Netherlands Embassy, Abuja, Nigeria.
The Netherlands Consulate General Sao Paolo.
Stichting Liedts-Meessen
advice and support:
Saleh Momale, (PARE and Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria)
Ignatio Granel, Abuja, Nigeria
Bisi Silva -curator, Lagos, Nigeria
Saddic Balewa – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Communicating for Change – Lagos, Nigeria
Gerbert van der Aa – journalist, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jaap van Ameele – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Diny Frauenknecht – advice, Jos, Nigeria
Theo Spierings – Friesland Foods, Meppel, Netherlands
Alexander van der Meer – Amsterdam, Netherlands
Daniel Plas – Abuja, Nigeria