Art and Electronic Media
Phaidon Press, 2009 / 2014 p. 37, 139
Edward A. Shanken
Ecole nationale supérieure du paysage No 20 automne/hiver 2010-2011 pag. 82-84
Les Carnets du paysage, Versailles France
Interview with Esther Polak
Neural 33 summer 2009
Kunst und GPS
Esther Polaks lokative Kunst
McLuhan neu lesen Kritische Analysen zu Medien und Kultur im 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Derrick de Kerckhove, Martina Leeker, and Kerstin Schmidt, 2008, p. 430 – 443,
Online available in German: https://ariealt.home.xs4all.nl/pdf/rereading_mcluhan_polak.pdf
Ökomedien Ecomedia
Underbelly, 2007, pag 64
Bi-lingual German/English, 232 pp, 104 color ill.
Edited by Sabine Himmelsbach and Yvonne Volkart for the Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg , Texts by Sabine Himmelsbach, Roger F. Malina, Karin Ohlenschläger, Christoph Spehr, Yvonne Volkart.
Mediated Vision
Pertan Kockelkoren
ArtEZ Press, 2007 p. 54
Open Doors
Programming Civil Society Media in the Netherlands,
Uitgave Kennisland, Digitale Pioniers. 2007 pag. 36
Syb Groeneveld
Tijdschrift voor ontwerpen en verbeelding
“Techno to Go”
September / oktober 2006 pag.42
Ons Erfdeel
Vlaams-Nederlands cultureel tijdschrift
Schoonheid uit de Computer, kunst een nieuwe media
Petri Leijendekkers
Nov. 2006 pag. 667
Presentation flyers:
Catalog 12 th international Festival of Computer Arts, Ljubljana, Maribor May 2006 pag. 26
Beyond Locative Media
by Marc Tuters and Kazys Varnelis
http://networkedpublics.org/locative_media/beyond_locative_media.html (accessed 181205)
Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy
The Path of Milk; Cornel Bierens
Milky Way: Viestarts Gailitis
Mass., 2005, 1072 pages
Peter Weibel, Bruno Latour, ed.
Ars Electronica Catalog
Hybrid—living in paradox
Sept 2005
Relocated Identities Part 2: Relocating Products and People
Public Space With A Roof (PSWAR)
http://www.pswar.org/publications/relocated-identities-part-2-reader/ (accessed 181205)
Milch spuren die lesbar werden
Esther Polak – im gesprach mit Thomas Thiel
Kunst Zeit Schrift #09 juli 2005, pag 22-25
Herausgegeben von der projectgruppe >Kunst Zeit Schrift< in Karlsruhe
Vrij Nederland
28 mei 2005
Antoine Verbij “De toekomst van het politieke”
Do 3 nov 2005 pag. 2
“Op uw kosten”
Reed Business Information; 4 jan 2005
Presentation flyers:
Making Things Public
ZKM exhibition Flyer
Milk in het geding
15 nov 2005
Ministry of Agriculture NL
Power of Maps – Projects at Ars Electronica
Julian Bleeker
http://interactive.usc.edu/members/jbleeker/archives/004886.html (original, now dead link)
Locative Space: Situated and Interconnected
Oct 12 2005
http://www.turbulence.org/blog/archives/001569.html (accessed 181205)
Mediated Vision
Art As Research
Pertan Kockelkoren
2004 Veenman Publishers en ARTez Press pag 14
Online access: https://ris.utwente.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/5398883/Kockelkoren04art.pdf
NRC Handelsblad
22 dec 2004
Tracy Metz
“Achter elke hap gaat een landschap schuil”
NRC Handelsblad
23 april 2004 cultureel supplement p.26
Anna Tilroe: “Een Lustoord voor Engagement”
Gooi en Eemlander
6 nov 2004
Stella Leenders: “Melk Letland centraal op Kasteel Groeneveld”
Automatisering gids
12 nov 2004 ps
“Europese melkspoor gevolgd met GPS”
event flyers:
SMCS.11 (Stedelijk Museum CS)
Locative Media
22 augustus 2004
Centraal Museum Utrecht
Almost Real
An International working conference exploring diverse and innovative ideas on artistic strategies – in a rapidly changing Europe (conference flyer)
11-14 March 2004
Agrarisch Dagblad
31 dec 2003 page 14
Esther Polak” Melkroute in Zuidoosten van Letland
year unknown/not published
Stratigraphic Museum For western landscape and culture
Jeroen van Westen – Co referaat
Springerin 2003 Issue 3
Securing Personal Evidence – On the artistic and tactical potential of GPS
by Julia Gwendolyn Schneider