Grounding the Map | Mapping the Ground

The exhibition Grounding the Map, Mapping the Ground, by Zone2Source, explores through the work of five artists, alternative relations to the earth as a critical reflection on the abstract cartographic methods that characterize the Anthropocene.

[Dutch] In de tentoonstelling Grounding the Map | Mapping the Ground worden carthografische projecten samengebracht waarin nieuwe verbindingen met de aarde gezocht worden door alternatieve strategieën voor te stellen om de wereld in kaart te brengen.

We were delighted to have NomadicMILK in this exhibition, look at the grand manner by which we could hang the prints spatially. But even more important: to have it in the context of Amstelpark. Especially for Esther it was a very relevant opportunity of going back to her roots as the park originates from a Floriade horticultural exhibition in Amsterdam, 1972. In that period she lived just around the corner. Her family obtained a year-pass, and she as a ten-year-old, visited the horticultural exhibition many times. Showing many different approaches of gardens and mini landscapes, The Floriade was an eye-opener to the concept that landscapes were, in fact, cultural concepts. In hindsight, Esther realizes how critical the Floriade was an influence on her as an artist

Photos by Thomas Lenden

NomadicMILK installatie in Zone2Source
NomadicMILK installatie in Zone2Source