October 1st: Fregata Magnificens @ BigArt 2023

Fregata Magnificens op Big Art
Second day of Fregata Magnificens at Big Art. Busy day, nice conversations.

From September 29 – October 1st -every day 11:00-18:00- on view on Big Art Bajes, Bajeskwartier, H.J.E. Wenckenbachweg 48, 1096 AH Amsterdam (open maps)

Several impressions of Fregata Magnificens at Big Art. David Bade payed us a visit – he saw the drawings while still in Curaçao. 
Five drawings, water color pencil and sprayed water on Hahnemühle aquarelic paper, 300 gr/m2. Dimensions: 295×50 cm

Short description

In Curaçao, where we did the Mondrian residency at IBB, there is always great hectic activity: traffic, beach life, and music. If we directed our gaze to the sky, we saw slowly hovering frigate birds high above the always nearby southern coastline. Fascinated, we followed their minimal movements on the eternal trade winds. We did not see them flap their wings or land all these months. Where the air is thin for us and offers no hold, the birds find here a firm grip.

Drawing of a Frigate Bird, Frigata magnificens. Detail

Close-up of one of the Fregata Magnificens drawings.
Frigate bird bleeding.

Artistic Motivation 

The Fregata Magnificens Drawings were inspired by our stay on Curaçao in 2021 at IBB. The drawings depict life-size frigate birds, falling, who themselves seem puzzled by their unexpected descent.

Presentation history 

2021, IBB, Willlemstad, Curacao
2023 Big Art Bajes Amsterdam


Realized during our Mondrian Fund Recidence at IBB Curacao.
Thanks to IBB Curacao.

Financial support

Mondriaan Fund